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Pre Team

The Pre Team program at Stardust began in the Fall of 2023! This program was created to enable gymnasts of similar age and skill to not only learn gymnastics skills, but also sequential skills, self confidence, how to build friendships, and more. Because of the nature of the class, this program is Invite Only. Pre Team is run by Coach Alison!

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Shooting Stars

Invite Only
Ages: 4-6
Practices Mondays and Thursdays 5:00p-6:00p

Shooting Stars is the first level in our team program! These little ones have shown exceptional strength and interest in learning more gymnastics skills and are given a challenge. With twice a week practice and mock meets, these learners are preparing for the next level in their gymnastics career.

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Shining Stars

Invite Only-Coming This Summer
Ages: 5-8
Practices Mondays and Thursdays 6:15p-7:45p

Shining Stars are almost ready to play the big game! The mock meets now include judges and the gymnasts will receive placements. These girls have passed the Shooting Stars skill tree and are determined to keep learning more. 

Sparkling Stars

Coming Soon
Ages 8 and up
Practices Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 6:00p-8:00p

Sparkling Stars is where the gymnasts take to the floor to compete in the Get Your Feet Wet league with other gyms across MA and RI! More info to come.

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